How we can use fuzzing to improve the quality of our code?
Aidan Dyga
Hannah Brown
Gregory M. Kapfhammer
September 18, 2024
Fuzzing is a very important part of software testing that involves trying to break things with random input. Throughout the article, Fuzzing: Breaking Things with Random Inputs, both high-level fuzzing concepts as well as there low-level implementations are provided. While fuzzing does not guarantee code is correct, it is another great process to test code through.
Fuzzing is a crucial technique for generating robust test cases and improving code quality. By continuously running over an extended period, fuzzers help uncover a wide range of bugs, including buffer overflows, missing error checks, and the presence of rogue numbers in code.
In languages like C, fuzzing can also detect information leaks, ensuring that vulnerabilities are identified early and addressed to prevent potential security breaches. The Heartbleed Bug, a bug that was in the OpenSSL library, is one example of a real-world memory bug that fuzzing was able to discover. This process strengthens the overall reliability and security of software by exposing issues that may not surface during regular testing.
Activity: Considering your current knowledge of fuzzing, in what other languages do you think you could implement fuzzing?Click to Expand for the Answer
Fuzzing can be implemented in many programming languages including: C, C++, Go, Python, Java, Rust, and JavaScript.
A Simple Fuzzer
This is a very simple fuzzer that is implemented in the Fuzzing: Breaking Things with Random Inputs book. Note that the output of running the fuzzer will appear after this Python source code segment. What do you notice about the output? While it be the same each time this code is run?
import randomdef fuzzer(max_length: int=100, char_start: int=32, char_range: int=32) ->str:"""A string of up to `max_length` characters in the range [`char_start`, `char_start` + `char_range`)""" string_length = random.randrange(0, max_length +1) out =""for i inrange(0, string_length): out +=chr(random.randrange(char_start, char_start + char_range))return outfuzzer()
Activity: What do you think the benefits as well as trade-offs are with fuzzing programs?Click to Expand for the Answer
Fuzzing larger programs can take more time and be more computationally expensive. However, the time that fuzzing can save developers from searching through bugs is potentially very high.
Bugs Fuzzers Find
Fuzzers help developers to find errors that they need to fix. Some programs come with a max length for inputs, and when it is triggered it is called buffer overflows.
In programming languages without exceptions, errors are often indicated by special return codes. For example in C, getchar() reads characters from input and returns EOF when no more input is available.
If a programmer writes a loop to read characters until a space is encountered and the input ends, getchar() will return EOF repeatedly.
Since EOF is not equal to a space, the loop will never stop and will run indefinitely.
If you give a random number input that might be too large, is less than what you want, or is negative fuzzing can run into termination issues.
Checking for Errors
Even though fuzzing find errors simply, if the input space is “more discrete” then there needs to be more checks. Buffer overflows are a specific example of an issue where programs can access any part of memory, including areas that are uninitialized or not meant to be accessed. This offers high performance and control but increases the risk of mistakes. There are tools available to detect these problems during runtime, and they work well with fuzzing to improve reliability. In addition to general checkers for programs, you can create specific checkers tailored to your program. Assertions are a key technique for early error detection by verifying function inputs and results. While assertions can impact performance, they can be turned off in production code, with critical ones remaining active. They are particularly useful for checking the integrity of complex data structures. There is also the mypy a static checker that can detect type errors once argument types are correctly declared.
import subprocessfrom typing import Any, List, Tuple, Unionclass Runner:"""Base class for testing inputs."""# Test outcomes PASS ="PASS" FAIL ="FAIL" UNRESOLVED ="UNRESOLVED"def__init__(self) ->None:"""Initialize"""passdef run(self, inp: str) -> Any:"""Run the runner with the given input"""return (inp, Runner.UNRESOLVED)class ProgramRunner(Runner):"""Test a program with inputs."""def__init__(self, program: Union[str, List[str]]) ->None:"""Initialize.`program` is a program spec as passed to ``"""self.program = programdef run_process(self, inp: str="") -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:"""Run the program with `inp` as input. Return result of ``."""return,input=inp, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)def run(self, inp: str="") -> Tuple[subprocess.CompletedProcess, str]:"""Run the program with `inp` as input. Return test outcome based on result of ``.""" result =self.run_process(inp)if result.returncode ==0: outcome =self.PASSelif result.returncode <0: outcome =self.FAILelse: outcome =self.UNRESOLVEDreturn (result, outcome)
Activity: How do you think the runner relates to fuzzing? What do you think this runner does?Click to Expand for the Answer
A Runner is an object designed to execute a program or function with inputs.
It has a run(input) method that returns a pair consisting of a result.
The Runner base class offers a basic interface for more advanced runners.
Subclasses extend this base class by adding new methods or overriding existing ones to enhance functionality.
A fuzzer generates input data using the fuzz() method.
The run() function forwards this input to a runner and returns the result.
The runs() method repeats this process for a specified number of trials.
Overall, fuzzing is a great way to check programs. By discovering bugs related to how a program handles inputs, fuzzers can be very useful when testing code. Fuzzers can detect many types of errors including buffer overflows, missing error checks, and the existence of rogue numbers.
Activity: After learning more about fuzzing, how do you plan to use it in the future and what questions do you have about it?
Unless otherwise noted, the source code segments in this article are excerpted directly from the Fuzzing Book. The authors of this online book licensed the source code and its written content under the BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons License. More details about the license for the Fuzzing Book are available in the The Fuzzing Book License.